miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

May Day

May Day

Written by Francisco Javier Chaín Revuelta
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 14:46

In the second half of the nineteenth century was a working day like today, infamous, from 12 to 18 hours a day, and more. Struggles for limitation of working hours were held in many parts of the world, and one of them was very tragic in Chicago Illinois, United States, the first of May 1886.
125 years later under the cover of media globalization has reversed all the gains of workers and under the guise of "flexibility" neo-mercantilist, the so-called "neoliberalism" instead of commemorating the protest is celebrated on Labor Day "
With the slogan of "neo-mercantilist That will make you what we, the United States, we can sell cheaper? The imperialists, with the help of national lackeys put in power by the will of the national productive forces have destroyed the premises, destroyed all the domestic sources and ended up with jobs in all countries stick their noses . The imperialists practice protectionism at home, and force governments to release lackeys countries borders to the entry of products from other countries, which is a hypocritical policy of sick people of power and domination.
In Mexico, the so-called "Labor Day" is celebrated by imprisoning workers of the Mexican Union of Electricians for protesting the liquidation of the company and the delivery by the Calderón government lackey of the country's energy resources. It is celebrated for several years by canceling the traditional parades workers who served at least timid to protest slavery and poverty wages to workers who are subject, and most pathetic of the matter is Felipe Calderón, self-styled president of the country , that day I celebrated by attending to Rome, Italy, an event that says profess religion, which, curiously requires its believers to love your neighbor as yourself and wish what you wish for yourself. So it is in the United States, which gave the origin of the incorporation of that date to protest schedules of most people, it is celebrated as the Day of Justice ", which is very pathetic, as a correct name is "Day of shame."
In a review of the flexibilization wave in France during the last administration of Lionel Jospin, was implemented as a real alternative to the growth of unemployment workweek of 35 hours with very good results in terms of enhanced productivity and growth the economy working week which was also adopted by Italy, at the time of Romano Prodi's government to the proposal submitted by Fausto Bertinotti, the leader of the Communist Refoundation Party (PRC). Of course, with Nicolas Sarkozy and Silvio Berlusconi both countries have abandoned these developments and to pass new labor statute and the European Union (EU) that allows up to 65 hours per week of work. In the Old Continent, and nobody remembers Bengali William Henry Beveridge (Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science) and his "welfare state." How to forecast sardo Enrico Berlinguer, three decades ago, general secretary of the Italian Communist Party (PCI), the so-called "achievements" could only be enduring in the context of a real change in power structures and an efficient economic system. Things that happened since then.
In Mexico, Lazaro Cardenas seeks out a labor reform that sought to impose regressive cowboy and now Fox calderonato flag the most spurious of the hand and help of a deplorable prianismo which has the country close to the abyss. The PRI, as the worst that the PAN is against the workers. In March 2011 presented his labor reform bill perfectly identified with employers, who worry that the labor is even cheaper and attacking the job security.
Workers and people who understand the respect and fair treatment they deserve the people whose labor force keep the country, hoping that this proposed reform and throw away the best political deal that is delivered to the letter Article 123 of the Constitution, the originally embodied in the constitution of 1917. 

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